Sequential Art
Many of the illustrations I create for stories are motivated by a drive to capture emotion and action. Each moment should be captivating, but by using the story in tandem to forever hold the viewer’s interest.
I use a couple of mediums to produce this work. Traditionally I use pencils and inks on bristol, but occasionally utilize procreate for digital art.
This project was a short story I made based on events I experienced while on holiday. I think the pages speak for themselves with this one.

A climatic conclusion to my short story. I wanted the viewer to be shocked, disgusted, but more than anything, laughing. Hopefully you found it funny too!

This project was an adaptation of the opening of one of my favorite video games: Ghost of Tsushima.

The climatic end to the intro of this amazing story. This project started with the intention to practice my visual storytelling capabilities for a full 20+ page issue, and I feel I learned something with each page.